Linear Stripper Blade Guides
Welds at the top and bottom pieces of the guide results in a higher quality product

Linear Stripper Blade Guides

Precision Blades manufactures Stripper Blade Guides for all OEM machines. They are made in our ISO 9001:2015 Certified machine shop and constructed with an extremely durable aerospace adhesive. The Stripper Guide’s finish is a baked on Teflon® coating providing a slick finish for the blade to easily travel on. They are available in in widths from 1-1/8 to 4”, any length, and hole pattern to fit your machine. Precision Blades Stripper Guides come in 3 thicknesses to fit any application, Standard, Heavy Duty, and Rigid.

You will also find Precision Blades pricing for “Stripper Guides” to be very competitive and shipping lead times are typically a week or less from receipt of order.

Sizing and ordering is easy. Just provide the brand name of the saw, the guide’s width, length, hole configuration (guides ends), as well as the blade size being used in the guide and we will take it from there.

Precision Blades manufactures Linear Blade Guides for all OEM manufactured machines. “Linear Stripper Guides” are made from heavy gauge steel construction with widths from 1 ¾” to 4”, and any length depending on your needs.

Precision Blades welds the top and bottom pieces of the guide resulting in a product which will provide a higher quality product versus other manufactures who glue their parts together. Stripper Guides finish is a baked on teflon coating providing a slick glassy finish for the blade to easily travel on. These details provide our customers a higher quality product which provides extended blade and guide life.

You will also find Precision Blades pricing for “Linear Stripper Guides” to be very competitive and shipping lead times are typically 3 to 4 days from receipt of order. 

Industry Leading quality, made in the U.S.A.

Precision Blades is built on one thing, and that is the satisfaction of our end user
